Sunday, May 22, 2011

Car speakers

Friday night, I installed car stereo speakers for the first time! It is even more amazing when you know that my car is a 2002 Chevy Cavalier. This car, when a product says 'fits most GM models', is on the other side of most in the 'least' column. However, after 3 1/2 hours and lots of trimming and finagling, there was success!

Oh by the way, the speakers sound great! Far and above the stock speakers, for sure.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I walked from my house, down the street, across Highway 2, and to Lake Tye. I walked around Lake Tye and back up to my house all while pushing my two girls in the stroller. I did this in 45 minutes. I didn't run. I didn't jog. I walked fast. It was fun. And it was such a beautiful day! Gotta get ready for the 5K in September. May not seem like much,  but for me... it's huge!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Green Canyon

What a fantastic day! Think about the time you were able to accomplish something you struggled to complete. Near the end you felt worn down, your legs began to give out, and so forth. But when you finally reached the summit of your goal/trial, you were blessed to bask in the delight of accomplishing something special.

I did something similar to that today. Today was my second hike, after I decided to take up hiking a few weeks ago. I took the trail up Green Canyon. It was fantastic! I struggled to get to the Yert, or the trailhead to Mt. Naomi, but I made it! The last couple of miles the trail was covered in snow! In some places at the top, the snow went up to my knees! When I got to the top, all my weariness melted right away. I had pushed myself beyond what I thought I had the strength to do. It felt fabulous! I may be plumb worn out, but inside I know I did something to be proud of.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2 Miles +!

Tossing and turning in bed this morning, I decided I'd go for a run whether it was raining or not. Yesterday was a pretty rough day and I could tell that I needed the exercise. So, I did it! Despite the comfort and warmth, I got up and got out.

I'm trying to build up my running distance and time so I can run a 1/2 marathon in August. Today I was able to run 20 minutes straight!

Now, whatever else comes my way today, I have that success under my belt. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Another semester down the drain

Another semester has gone down the drain in the bathtub of life. Meaning, the semester is over and it is time to renew one's body and mind before the next one begins. Thank goodness I have at least one week to renew myself before going back to the proverbial grindstone.