Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Waking up early and going to bed early

To all who wonder about the old saying, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise", I can testify to you it is true. This week I have been doing my best to be in bed before 10:30 and up by 6 or 6:15. I have felt great every day this week! Again, I testify to the healthy part, I am not sure about the wealthy part. I guess I will have to wait a little while on that one. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Being On Time

So, recently it's come to my attention how important - really - it is to be on time. I decided to really focus on the first event of the day. Corina and I work out in the morning and it's just so easy to sleep just 5-10 more. The other day I was 15 minutes late. She just mentioned that she'd been up waiting on the hour, sharp.

I made it sharp this morning. It feels good to tighten up the little things - confident that that is where the big things get their foundation.
