Monday, October 25, 2010


I made a somewhat "well-rounded" dinner on Saturday night. When I say well-rounded, I mean we had more than one item for dinner. I made Salmon (with homemade sauce), rice pilaf (from a box), and baked potatoes. I am fully aware that a green, non-starchy vegetable was not present; however, I feel that the involvement of three separate menu items created an actual dinner in place of a thrown-together-disaster-usually-followed-by-midnight-munchies which usually occurs. Felt good.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The whole three hours...

So for the first time, I made it through all of church with five children.

And while this was a personal achievement (you should have seen how fast I ran down the hall to grab her binkie from Rob) it was also a community one since there were kind friends who held Jetta during the hour where Rob and my callings overlap. I love that on this blog I can both note and now remember that little kindness.

And she was great, and oh so darling as you can see in this right-before-church photo:

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I went to the Temple today, for the first time in over three years! It felt great! It was almost as if there had been no period of absence. Thank goodness for a place like the Temple!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Parenting Tip

One of my biggest struggles is in parenting! Probably because it's a 24/7 job and these cute little people have minds of their own! I get these weekly parenting tips - thought this one would be good to help us all achieve our goals!

Whatever comes up at any given moment, you can handle it!

That is the power you have if you can determine what you need, what your child needs, and if you can hold both you and your child's needs with equal importance.

This week, practice holding you and your child's needs with equal care. Then, problem-solve with your child to find ways of meeting both.

Monday, October 18, 2010

I’m celebrating! Last week, I canned four little pints of salsa using the few, small peppers I grew in my own garden. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me. For years, I’ve openly envied others' beautiful gardens, and their pantry shelves lined with preserved goodness. Gardening, canning – those skills have always been way beyond my limited abilities. I stocked my food storage with canned fruit from Macy’s case lot sales. And I continued to replace the sad little pot of basil that I couldn’t seem to keep alive.

This year, as we’ve worked to become more self-reliant, we decided to put in a garden. Yes, we planted way too late. (The little bit I knew about gardening applied to Utah, not Arizona.) Yes, our little plants wilted in the summer heat. (Did you know that tomato pollen can cook?) And no, it never gets cold enough in AZ to kill all the pests and bugs that devoured my beans overnight. In the end, we harvested two tomatoes, one tiny zucchini (Who can’t grow zucchini?) and a handful of peppers.

Not much of a harvest. But as I chopped up those little peppers and canned my four little pints of salsa, I couldn’t help smiling.

In one of my favorite General Conference talks, President Uchtdorf teaches:

“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before. Everyone can create. You don’t need money, position, or influence in order to create something of substance or beauty. Creation brings deep satisfaction and fulfillment.”

Read more here.

President Uchtdorf also said, “To me it appears that our splendid sisters sometimes undervalue their abilities—they focus on what is lacking or imperfect rather than what has been accomplished and who they really are.”

This is what I thought of when Suz shared her idea for this blog. We are so hard on ourselves. Too often we compare our weaknesses to others’ strengths. I may not have shelves of canned fruits and veggies. But those four little pints of salsa bring me joy! They show that I’m learning and experiencing, and somewhat succeeding. What a wonderful idea to celebrate our individual, everyday accomplishments - all at our own PACE!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wow, thanks! and Home school at my pace

I was so thrilled to get onto the blog today and see SO much action! Thank you, thank you! It's exciting to see what things have made people's days!

It has been quite a week around here, crazy busy, and lots of fun. I didn't mean to start up the blog and leave you hanging, but that's what happened. :)

Eight years ago (can you believe it?!) we made a decision that changed our lives. We decided to home school our kids. Over those 8 years there have been countless times where I have questioned the sanity in that decision, the purposes, the results, the methods, my abilities, etc. Doesn't every parent? We try to do our best, we wonder, we make mistakes, we pray, we try again.

Anyway, a couple of friends were posting back and forth on our Yahoo group. I found myself drawn in, wanting to be like them! Wanting to reach their level of achievement. Wanting the results that I pictured them and their families getting. Wondering if I had it in me to do what it would take to get there. That's when, again, the idea of achieving at our own pace occurred to me. If it's something I truly want, I CAN get there. I CAN learn and grow.

I also think it's really important to appreciate where we are now. To not have our sights so out there that we forget our accomplishments or blessings NOW. So, with the home school story, I can look at what I've accomplished, what I and my family have learned, the experiences and opportunities we've had, and I can be glad for it all! And then, noticing all that I have accomplished thus far, I can move on and reach for more.

This post was passed on to me, and it applies completely to humanity, at least humanity that is striving for anything more. :) I hope you'll read it!

Mashed Potatoes

I made mashed potatoes from scratch for the first time! I felt this quite the accomplishment, mainly because they turned out delicious and I didn't use a recipe! If they had been nasty, I would not be posting, nor would I have considered them a success.

Just another item to add to my culinary repertoire! Look out ladies, I am ready to cook!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I talked to my neighbor!

I have been thinking I should go talk to my neighbor for several months now. They just got married and since they aren't members of the church, I don't know them very well... The girls were petting her dog and I went out to see where they were and viola'. I ended up talking to her for over an hour and found that she is amazing! We have a ton in common and I can't wait to know her better. She adopted her 9 year old as a baby and named her Maddison Hope, which is also Katrina's middle name and just has had similar experiences. I thought I was befriending her for her, but I'm thinking it's more for me now. Good to be humbled a little that way.

Library Card

For the first time in many, many, many years, I broke down and got myself a library card. It felt great! I checked out Beowulf, and have read over 2/3 of it. How empowering it feels to have a library card!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Hi everyone. This may seem like a odd sort of achievement, but to those of you who know me better than others, you will understand.

I just spent 3 hours talking with I young woman I am liking more and more each time we talk. There was no nervousness, nothing. It is something that I haven't felt in a long time when around young women. The most surprising thing is I feel rather comfortable talking with her, that hasn't happened for almost five years, if not longer.

Even more surprising, this all happened after I asked her out which, for anyone who knows me, know that is a great rarity. Unfortunately for me, but good for her (in that she is getting a break from school), she is going down to Lehi for Fall break. Of everything on this post, me actually asking her out was the biggest accomplishment.

In a while, I will attempt to ask her out again, but for now, I want to give it some time. Maybe a week. For the most part, I don't want to seem too excited about the whole situation and scare her away. That would definitely not me a major accomplishment, nor a confidence booster. Nor do I want to be phoney, like I have done in the past.

Only God can see, if any future accomplishments may come from this.

Bless you all.


Yesterday I showered before my toddler was out of bed. This rarely-if ever-happens on a daily basis. It was just good to have that over and done with before she woke up be bopping around. Small deal in the whole scheme of things? Yes. Big deal to me? Absolutely!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Great Idea Sue!

Thinking about my biggest Personal Achievement's right now I have to say I am most proud of FINALLY getting 72 hour kits made for my family. I have been working on them slowly for 2 months and yesterday I finally got them completed and put up into the closet by our front door! I'm feeling pretty proud about that. Our R.S. made 72 hour food kits out of milk jugs and that is what really got me going. I feel much more realxed in case an emergency were to ever happen. It's a nice feeling.


What a great Idea!


What a great idea...

I had to think about what I'm most happy about.

I was doing an activity where you imagine yourself old and gray and looking back over your life and what your happy about vs. what you regret a couple of weeks ago. It was a great activity that made me see things in a clearer perspective and it just became so clear what I needed to work on so...

I tightened up the evening and morning schedules. Almost perfect practicing the piano with the girls last week. (tried to be inspiring even on the 10th time through "go tell Aunt Rodie") Learned that Katrina doesn't like to be touched during piano...I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize some of those little hints that makes practicing more enjoyable. :)

Tried to apply all the "tricks" I've learned as Bekah has started piano this year. She's loving her "mom" time so much - even if Katrina doesn't love her "mom" time so much. :)

It just feels good to put my time in line with my deepest desires and values.


P.A.C.E. Personal Achievement -- CelebratE!!!.

This isn't a personal achievement for me and my husband would be embarrassed to death if he knew I was saying anything about it.  On Wednesday, October 6th, my husband Jim was sworn in as the new fire chief for Salem City!  I wasn't there for the swearing in because Monica had an orchestra performance and Jim wanted me to be there for her.  Her performance was wonderful, by the way. :)  I guess this will be a long term achievement on my part and that is to support him 110% in this new assignment, however long it lasts.  It won't be easy and it will take him away from our family even more than he all ready is, which I'm not liking all ready.  It wasn't necessarily something that he wanted to do, but he chose to do it for the sake of the city and the fire department.  I know he will be awesome because he cares about the people he works with and the people he serves.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

P.A.C.E. Personal Achievement -- CelebratE!

Yesterday I ran a 5K. I actually walked the entire thing. I went into it knowing I was going to walk. It was kind of a big deal to me that I was there at all, since earlier in the week I didn't think I would make it. I had some strange bug hit me, and related or not, first I struggled with my digestive systems, fatigue, hot and cold flashes, headache, toothache, earache, sore throat and stuffy head. Can't forget the 2 doctor visits, blood tests, xrays, and ultrasound that all told me that everything was fine. Wednesday I could hardly stand up to visit in the kitchen, I had to go sit down. Everything took effort and made me so tired. So, I had pretty much decided that I wouldn't be able to make the run, even though I was so looking forward to it!

Toward the end of the week I was feeling better and convinced myself that I could go and walk it if I got good night's rests, and rested up. So, I did! It was fabulous! The energy of the crowd, the scenery, the feeling of doing something good - fabulous!

I always feel proud of every single person out there, because most likely they've set some kind of goal and are working to achieve it. Who knows what sicknesses, obstacles, self-talk, judgements, handicaps, or trials they have had to overcome to get through. Mine are minor - getting out of bed earlier, a little blister, pushing myself a little harder each time, getting sweaty (I hate that). But chances are good that some of those women yesterday had a much bigger purpose in that run.

But, like I said, I walked it. Runs always give me a perspective and chance to think about my fitness and other's fitness. Comparing myself in a way, but without any knowledge of their successes or struggles. During this run, I was surprised to find my walking self passing other walkers. I was surprised to find my walking self passing runners. I was surprised to see some people flash past me, only to be passed by me while they walked to catch their breath.

It made me realize that we are all at a different PACE. During the run, of course, but also in life. While some people have reached levels we dream of in some areas, each of us excel in others. Each of us is working to achieve goals, dreams, desires - big or small. That's what our days are made of. That's what we try to pass on to our children. That's where we find fulfillment and personal joy. Learning and growing is our purpose.

I thought how great it would be to accept my own PACE. To not worry so much about who I'm behind or ahead of, and how I'm going to stay ahead, but to celebrate the fact that I walked the race that I didn't think I could even make it to. To celebrate the fact that I now run 5k's - something I never dreamed I'd do!

It's important to grab on to these small celebrations and let them build our lives. We can go higher and further and be stronger when we start small and build, when we gratefully acknowledge what we already have and then reach for more.

Let's celebrate! Let's post inspiration, in stories, quotes and experiences that will help us remember our achievements! Whether it be big or small, it can be life changing. The picture window background reminds me that we don't always know what's ahead, the road is open. I hope you'll find motivation, inspiration, and peace in being a part of this blog.