Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Double accomplishment

I have uploaded a slideshow of pictures of mountain flowers I have seen while on my hikes in Cache Valley this summer.

How could this be double accomplishment?

First, this is the first slideshow/video that I have created using PowerDirector 9 that I have made viewable to anyone else.

Second, I have done over about a dozen hikes over the last few months. They were all between 4-8 miles round-trip. They were on the scale of easy or moderate, even though some felt a lot more strenuous than that. :)

I hope you enjoy the video. I haven't seen it all the way through myself, so I apologize for any mistakes (I don't remember if I added any credits or not). The video should be about 4 1/2 minutes in length.

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I ran my first 10K today! It was so great! 1:08:17 was my time, which I thought was pretty good! I was glad that I could run the whole way, that I could keep a pretty consistent 11 minute mile, and that the last .2 was downhill - gave me a good burst to cross the finish line!

It's something I never, ever, ever, thought I could do, and I DID IT!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

6 miles

I was going for 5, talked myself into 3 and ended up with 6. Oh yeah!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Darwin was right?!

Last week I started water aerobics!!! I wasn't too excited about the prospect of getting up at 5:45 a.m. just to exercise but...I LOVE IT!!!! Minus the weekend I have gone everyday since last Tuesday!!
I guess I really did evolve from some creature that started out in the water because I could stay in the water all day!! :D

Monday, June 6, 2011

4 miles

I made it running 4 miles. No walking. BIG accomplishment for me! It helps SO much to have a running partner -- the peer pressure won't let me quit!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

College Scholarships

It feels like I am doing some shameless advertising for Fastweb and not that there is much personal achievement in that. However, if this link helps one of you to achieve something you have been longing to, then it was worth it.

Just copy and paste this link in your web browser:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Car speakers

Friday night, I installed car stereo speakers for the first time! It is even more amazing when you know that my car is a 2002 Chevy Cavalier. This car, when a product says 'fits most GM models', is on the other side of most in the 'least' column. However, after 3 1/2 hours and lots of trimming and finagling, there was success!

Oh by the way, the speakers sound great! Far and above the stock speakers, for sure.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


I walked from my house, down the street, across Highway 2, and to Lake Tye. I walked around Lake Tye and back up to my house all while pushing my two girls in the stroller. I did this in 45 minutes. I didn't run. I didn't jog. I walked fast. It was fun. And it was such a beautiful day! Gotta get ready for the 5K in September. May not seem like much,  but for me... it's huge!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Green Canyon

What a fantastic day! Think about the time you were able to accomplish something you struggled to complete. Near the end you felt worn down, your legs began to give out, and so forth. But when you finally reached the summit of your goal/trial, you were blessed to bask in the delight of accomplishing something special.

I did something similar to that today. Today was my second hike, after I decided to take up hiking a few weeks ago. I took the trail up Green Canyon. It was fantastic! I struggled to get to the Yert, or the trailhead to Mt. Naomi, but I made it! The last couple of miles the trail was covered in snow! In some places at the top, the snow went up to my knees! When I got to the top, all my weariness melted right away. I had pushed myself beyond what I thought I had the strength to do. It felt fabulous! I may be plumb worn out, but inside I know I did something to be proud of.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

2 Miles +!

Tossing and turning in bed this morning, I decided I'd go for a run whether it was raining or not. Yesterday was a pretty rough day and I could tell that I needed the exercise. So, I did it! Despite the comfort and warmth, I got up and got out.

I'm trying to build up my running distance and time so I can run a 1/2 marathon in August. Today I was able to run 20 minutes straight!

Now, whatever else comes my way today, I have that success under my belt. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Another semester down the drain

Another semester has gone down the drain in the bathtub of life. Meaning, the semester is over and it is time to renew one's body and mind before the next one begins. Thank goodness I have at least one week to renew myself before going back to the proverbial grindstone.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Waking up early and going to bed early

To all who wonder about the old saying, "Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise", I can testify to you it is true. This week I have been doing my best to be in bed before 10:30 and up by 6 or 6:15. I have felt great every day this week! Again, I testify to the healthy part, I am not sure about the wealthy part. I guess I will have to wait a little while on that one. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Being On Time

So, recently it's come to my attention how important - really - it is to be on time. I decided to really focus on the first event of the day. Corina and I work out in the morning and it's just so easy to sleep just 5-10 more. The other day I was 15 minutes late. She just mentioned that she'd been up waiting on the hour, sharp.

I made it sharp this morning. It feels good to tighten up the little things - confident that that is where the big things get their foundation.


Thursday, January 20, 2011



I have completed all of my school work for this coming week 2 and one half days before it is due!

Now it is time to celebrate! Anyone for a milkshake? Me! Me! Me!

I will treat anyone else, too. You just need to come to Logan for it.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I just love my job, but I especially feel that it is worthwhile when I get emails like the following:

On January 4th you featured my blog post from Mormon Women on your daily “Bloggernacle.” I created the blog on clinical depression in hopes to reach out to other individual’s like myself who are carrying the same burden. As a result of your feature I have been able to reach many additional individuals who are also struggling with depression and who have shared with me their faith. I want to thank you for recognizing my blog and making others aware of my purpose in creating it. I felt very strongly the need to share with others my experience in hopes to make a difference in anothers life. Through this opportunity I have had several people share with me their experience with depression and express their gratitude for my willingness to share my journey. Thanks to Mormon Women and Mormon Times, I’ve seen wonderful things unfold. Including myself, I believe many have had faith strengthened, hoped renewed, and understanding broadened.

Thanks again for your role in helping this effort move forward."


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Seeing Rainbows

Dolly Parton is credited with saying, "If you want the rainbow, you have to learn to dance in the rain". Well...for 21 months I have danced in the rain...and probably caused a few 'thunderstorms' in my wake. But... I today FINALLY got a job. I feel such a relief and a weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I had gotten to the point that I thought this day would never come!! But the Lord has given me a rainbow and it is beautiful!!!